Herbs For Stress & Anxiety
Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar teaches that stress and anxiety are a natural part of life, and our response to it is what makes it good or bad. In this book, she shows how to safely choose, prepare and use herbs effectively to deal with stress effectively, develop health and resiliency in our nervous system and experience greater joy.
This book covers understanding the nervous system, natural remedies for stress and anxiety, strengthening the nervous system, the herbal medicine chest and making and using herbal remedies. As well, it includes resources on where to find herbs and further educational resources. Learn how to use herbal remedies to address a wide range of symptoms, including panic attacks, depression, insomnia, anxiety, headaches and migraines.
by Rosemary Gladstar. She runs Sage Mountain in East Barre, Vermont, where she teaches. She has over 35 years experience as a teacher, healer and visionary in the herbal community.
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