Lid Sprouting Green Plastic
Sprout lids are perfect for those using the jar method in sprouting. They work on wide mouth mason jars, both quart and half gallon size. This sprout lid is made of durable food-grade plastic that won't rust or tarnish. Dishwasher safe.
- Durable Plastic
- BPA Free
- Made in the USA
- Won't rust or tarnish like wire-mesh sprout lids
- Fits most wide mouth mason jars
This sprouting lid is made of a durable food-grade plastic with mesh holes in the lid big enough to drain well but small enough to hold in tiny seeds such as alfalfa! Order more than one jar lid and rotate your crops every 3-4 days to make sure that you always have a steady supply of your favorite sprouts.
Sprout Jar Lids "Jar Method" Sprouting Instructions
- For a quart-sized jar, start with 1 1/2 tablespoons seeds inside the jar, screw on the fine mesh sprouting lid and partially fill the jar through the sprout jar lids with warm water, not hot. Swirl it around to clean the seeds, then pour out. Refill with warm water to cover at about 3 times their depth & let soak overnight, away from light. This gets the germination process started.
- Pour off the soak water. Find a location that is not exposed to direct sunlight. Place drained jar propped at an angle to allow any extra water to drain out. Turn the jar to spread out the seed. Cover the jar with the sprout jar lids and a dishtowel and leave for 3 to 4 hours.
- Rinse sprouts with cool, fresh water 2 or 3 times each day until they are ready to eat or refrigerate. When they begin to throw off the seed hulls, let the jar with sprout jar lids installed overflow with the water and the hulls will float out the top through the sprouting lid screen. Turn the jar to spread out the seed each time you rinse.
- Pour the sprouts into a pan or sink of clean water. Skim off any remaining hulls that float to the surface. Other hulls will fall to the bottom of the container. Pull out the sprouts, gently shake off excess moisture and drain in a colander.
- Clean the jar and sprout jar lid. Place sprouts for greening back into the jar. Place in indirect sunlight. Near a kitchen window is fine. After the sprouts have greened with chlorophyll and carotene for a day or so, rinse, drain with sprouting lids & eat or refrigerate.
- Sprouts will stay fresh & hearty for a week or more when refrigerated, if you rinse them every day or two. You can even give the green sprouts an extra hour of sunlight after rinsing to keep them at their nutritional peak. Caution: Since sprouts are frost sensitive, don't place sprouts near the freezer compartment.
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